Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jack David - 6 Months


Weight: 16 pounds, 1 ounce.  20%

Length: 26.25 inches.  29%

Head: 17 3/8 inches 70%  He's got a big noggin, just like the rest of the Bogles.  But, hey recent studies suggest that big headed babies are smarter.  

He seems so big, even though he is only in the 20th percentile.  Maybe its because he is the exact same size that Kaitlyn was at a year.  At 12 months, she weighed 16 pounds, 1 ounce and was 27 inches long.  (Madi was only 17 pounds at a year.)  I guess we just don't make big babies.

Sleeping: Bedtime usually begins around 8:30 or as soon as I get the girls in bed.  Jack typically nurses to go to sleep at night, but occasionally I'm able to put him down awake.  
He still isn't sleeping through the night, but instead of constantly being irritated by it I've decided to try to enjoy the extra baby snuggles.  (Especially since he's our last baby.)  I'm hoping to start sleep training him after the New Year and our schedules go back to normal.  

Eating: Nursing is still his preferred method of eating.  However, he is doing much better with taking a bottle.  We started him on rice cereal at the beginning of December.  I was surprised with how much he liked it.  (Kaitlyn hated it, but then again she never was a big fan of baby food. Madi didn't really care for it either.)  He has also tried a few veggies.  Sweet potatoes, carrots and avocados.  He loved the sweet potatoes and carrots, but gagged on the avocados.  Since then he hasn't really liked any veggies, so we're back to rice only.  

Clothing:  3-6 months.    

Diapers:  The blowouts are much better, so he's still wearing a size 2.

Eyes:    Brown.  They're lighter than mine or Kaitlyn's, but they're definitely brown.

Hair: Blonde

Milestones:  He celebrated his first Thanksgiving, which was promptly followed by his first bad cold and fever.  Since then he has visited Santa and experienced Crown Center, twice, and celebrated his first (of five) Christmas.  He recently started waving.  I'm sure it's unintentional, but there have been a few times that it seemed to be on purpose.  

He is so close to sitting up unassisted.  He can do it for short periods of time, but if he leans too far in any direction he has a hard time recovering.

Likes:  He still loves his swing (though he's almost too big), baths, mommy and daddy, his sisters, milk, being held, being talked or sang to, playing on the floor, and his feet.  He also likes to hear his own voice and will screaming or "talk" loudly.

Dislikes: Jack does not like dirty diapers, wet clothes, being hungry or tired.

Sisters: They're still crazy about him.  They are always messing with or trying to be next to him.  They are right by his side trying to make him happy if he cries.  Kaitlyn can't stand it if he cries.  She wants us to immediately take care of him.  Madi is a little more used to it and just gives him lots of toys or tries to make him laugh. 

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