Friday, January 20, 2017

4 Months Pregnant with Baby K#3

This has been an exciting month!  Not only did we celebrate Christmas four times, but it also marked the long awaited release of Top Coat Cash and our trip to LA.  Thanks to the predicted ice storm, our four day trip turned into six days.  Though I really missed the girls, I enjoyed getting away for a few days and seeing the beach.  

How Far Along: 18 weeks 4 days

Size of Baby: A can of pop or a sweet potato

Gender: Boy!

Weight Gain: 9 pounds total, but I gained 6 in the last month.  Yikes!!!  I guess that's what happens when you celebrate Christmas four times and take a week long vacation.

Food Cravings: My cravings have lessened this month.  Maybe it was because there have been so many yummy foods available or maybe I'm just not really craving anything.

Food Aversions: I'm happy to say that I currently don't have any!  I can enjoy my morning cup of coffee once again.

Movement: They are becoming more frequent, but still aren't very strong.

Sleep: Sleeping hasn't been going well lately.  I usually wake up once or twice to pee and then it takes FOREVER to fall back asleep.  I've also started having carpal tunnel symptoms.  I never had them during pregnancy with the girls, only after they were born so I wasn't expecting this to happen yet.

Clothing:  Maternity clothes, especially pants, have been making a regular appearance lately.  None of my regular jeans button.  I can still wear them, but need a hair tie and this won't work for very much longer.  Several of my regular shirts still fit, but not for long.

Other Pregnancy Symptoms: I had some constipation issues earlier this month.  I think they may have been caused by the antibiotic and probiotic I had to take for strep.  Either way, once I upped my fiber, I felt much better.  Side note:  My body requires lots of fiber with both of my previous pregnancies, but hasn't with this one.  I have also been having issue with acid reflux... especially when we traveled last week.  The stop and go LA traffic seemed to exacerbate my symptoms.

What I Miss: I didn't really miss anything this month, except maybe riding in the car without feeling sick.

Best Moment: Seeing the final product of David's hard work and celebrating in LA.

Worst Moment(s):  I have flown during all three pregnancies, but this was the first one that has made me nauseous.  I seriously thought I was going to lose it one the decent of our flight on Thursday.  The stop and go LA traffic weren't nice to my stomach either.

Looking Forward To: My 20 weeks ultrasound and setting up the nursery.

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