Monday, December 19, 2016

3 Months Pregnant with Baby K #3

I can't believe that it is already the week before Christmas.  The month of December always flies by and this year has been no exception.  So far this month we have decorated our house inside and out, visited Crown Center twice (Santa once), Union Station, driven through the Plaza to see the lights, and celebrated Kaitlyn's birthday (which we will celebrate again tomorrow).   While it's sounds like it been a pretty monthv (and it has in many ways), there has also been more than enough sickness. I caught David chest cold right before Thanksgiving and it left me without a voice for a week.  I was healthy for just two weeks before catching another cold and strep.  I'm hoping that the next month brings better health.

How Far Along: 3 months (14 weeks today)

Size of Baby: Lemon

Gender:  BOY!!

Weight Gain: just under 3 pounds 

Milestone: First sonogram and revealing the gender to our family and friends

Food Cravings: This is strange for me since I didn't have any cravings with the girls.  I have craved crushed ice, frozen orange, mozzarella string cheese, and just about anything salty. Cheez its have been my go to snack, but really anything salty especially pickles and chips.  I doesn't seem matter how much salty food I eat, I never get sick.  Unlike some healthier options.

Food Aversions: Coffee.  I gave up caffeine when I was pregnant with the girls, so I don't know if I would have an aversion to it before.  Up until week 9, I had no problem drinking one cup a day.  After that, it started tearing up my stomach.  Pineapple juice does the same thing.

Movement: I started feeling a few flutters around week 13.  They are very spratic, but since I've been pregnant before, I know they are definitely the baby.

Sleep: I have been sleeping great, just lots of waking up due to nausea or having to pee.

Clothing: Still my regular wardrobe, but some of my pants are getting tight.  They all still button, but I no longer have to wear a belt. Flowy shirts have been my friend.

Other Pregnancy Symptoms: Nausea, lack of energy, and feeling full no matter how much I eat.

What I Miss: Coffee.  It smells wonderful, but I'm still afraid to try it. 

Best Moment: Learning our the results of my extra testing (everything was negative) and of course, the gender

Looking Forward To: Watching the bump grow--except I for the lack of comfort that comes with that!!! I said before I definitely want to enjoy this pregnancy seeing that it's my last!!

Here are my bump photos from the past month!  Follow me on Instagram (@hklinginsmith) for a weekly (or biweekly) glimpse!

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