Weight: 17 pounds, 5 ounces (20th%)
Length: 27 inches (6th%) Sorry buddy, you don't come from tall people.
Head: 17 7/8 inches (62nd%, down from 80% at 4 months)
Eating: Jack has really started to like table food. In fact, he prefers it to purees. He has tried all kinds of new things this month. Chicken, green beans, apricots, mac and cheese, pears, broccoli, smoothies, pizza, mashed potatoes (He is my only kid who likes them.), bananas, bread, cheese. He still nurses about every four hours during the day and once at night.
Eyes: Brown
Teeth: None
Dislikes: There's not much that he doesn't like. His biggest dislikes are being hungry or tired. He's still not crazy about the vacuum, but he no longer cries when its on. He also doesn't like to be confined (ie: stuck in his high chair or barricaded in the living room.