Saturday, January 20, 2018

Jack David - 7 Months

This was a big month for Jack!  

Weight: 17 pounds

Sleeping: For the past two weeks, I have been semi trying to sleep train Jack.  I've been using eat, play, sleep, a zipadee zip and a sound machine. It seems to be working during the week.  However, it’s a little more difficult on the weekends when everyone is home.  He usually naps for an 1-2 hours in the morning and afternoon and then about 30 minutes in the evening.  He’s ready for bed between 7 and 8, but usually has to wait until after I finally get his sisters to bed (usually around 8:30).  I know that I should be laying him down awake in the evening, but we just aren't there yet.  So, we nurse and rock for about 30 minutes and then he’s out for a few hours.  Jack still wakes up at least once, but usually twice during the night.  His wake up time varies depending on how many times he got up during the night.  

Eating: Jack nurses about every three to four hours during the day and at least once (if I'm lucky it's only once) during the night.  He took a little step back with solid food this month.  I stopped giving him rice cereal because it gave him really bad gas and things are getting back on track.   We're using a combination of baby lead weaning and purees.  

Giving him chunks food makes me a little nervous, but he really seems to enjoy it.  So far he's tried apples, carrots, eggs, and a bread stick and liked all of them.  In the puree form he's had sweet potatoes, peas, squash, apple sauce, and carrots.  He is not a fan of squash.

Clothing:  3-6 months   

Diapers:  As soon as we run out of size 2 he will switch to size 3.

Eyes:    Brown

Hair: His hair is really starting to grow.  It's fairly thick in the middle and sticks up in the back.  I'm seriously going to be sad when it finally lays down. 

Teeth: He doesn't have any teeth yet and I don't expect that to change until closer to his first birthday.   Neither one of the girls had teeth until at least 11 months.  

Milestones:  This past month Jack celebrated Christmas four times and New Year's Eve.  He can now sit unassisted and is extremely mobile.  I see baby gates in the near future.   He is finally too big for the swing so we replace it with the exersaucer and he loves it.  Last weekend Jack spent the evening with his grandparents while we went out with friends.   He drank his bottles like a champ and went to bed for the first time without nursing.  He also sat in a restaurant high chair for the first time. 

Merry Christmas as home
New Year's Eve

First restaurant high chair

 Jack loves his mommy!  He loves daddy and his sisters too, but mommy is the best.  He can be having a meltdown while someone else holds him, but as soon as I take him he gives the biggest smile.  It's almost like he's saying "ha, ha I got what I want."  He still loves nursing and is starting to enjoy solid food.  He loves playing/rolling all over the floor, his exersaucer, giving and receiving raspberries, and being sang or talked to.  Overall, he is the most relaxed, go with the flow baby around.  He is almost always happy and only cries real tears when he thinks he’s starving or tired.

Dislikes: Jack had recently starting hating baths. As soon as he sees me filling his tub he grabs on tight and starts crying almost immediately after he’s in it.  Hopefully, he goes back to enjoying baths again really soon.  He also does not like dirty diapers, wet clothes, being hungry, tired, or being left alone.  He is terrified of the vacuum.

Sisters: They're still just as crazy.  They are always messing with him.  Trying to hold him, setting him up, giving him toys, getting in his face.  The majority of the time he is okay with it, but sometimes it’s too much.

Happy 7 Months, Jack David!!  We love you!

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