Jack David - 9 months
These monthly updates seem to be the only thing that I can get written. I have a couple other posts that I've started, but just haven't found the time to finish them. One day maybe I'll find the time.
Weight: 17 pounds, 5 ounces (20th%)
Length: 27 inches (6th%) Sorry buddy, you don't come from tall people.
Head: 17 7/8 inches (62nd%, down from 80% at 4 months)
Sleeping: Jack's sleeping habits have drastically improved within the last month. During the day he takes two naps that vary in length (30 minutes to 3 hours). He goes to bed for the night around 8:30 and will sleep until 1 or 1:30. He nurses and then goes right back to sleep. He'll usually wake up at least one more time. As long as he finds Mr. Jumpers, he typically goes back to sleep on his own.
Eating: Jack has really started to like table food. In fact, he prefers it to purees. He has tried all kinds of new things this month. Chicken, green beans, apricots, mac and cheese, pears, broccoli, smoothies, pizza, mashed potatoes (He is my only kid who likes them.), bananas, bread, cheese. He still nurses about every four hours during the day and once at night.
Clothing: 6-9 months
Diapers: Size 3
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde and still rocking the mohawk
Teeth: None
Milestones: Jack is into everything! He has been army crawling for over a month, but finally started crawling on all four a couple days before his nine month birthday. This month he also learned how to sit up on his own and pull up onto his knees. He is "talking" more and has said "mama" and "dada."
Likes: Jack loves people! He loves it when people talk or smile at him. He loves being on the floor and having the freedom to explore the house. He likes baths, being outside, eating and playing with toys.
Dislikes: There's not much that he doesn't like. His biggest dislikes are being hungry or tired. He's still not crazy about the vacuum, but he no longer cries when its on. He also doesn't like to be confined (ie: stuck in his high chair or barricaded in the living room.
Sisters: They're still just as crazy. They are always messing with him. Trying to hold him, setting him up, giving him toys, getting in his face. He has started letting them know when he doesn't want them to mess with him. They like that he is mobile, but not that he can get into their stuff.
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