Happy Tuesday! It was weekend at the Klinginsmith house. 4 out of five of use are recovering from being sick for the last week. Today I'm joining up with The Blended Blog and answering some fun holiday questions.
1. Real or fake tree? Fake. I'm not opposed to a real one (I've actually never had one), but it seems like it would be a lot of work. I love the smell, but don't want to clean up the needles. Also, I love being able to have our tree up for over a month.
2. Favorite Christmas cookie? Chocolate crinkles and my Grandma's press out cookies
3. Home on Christmas morning or travel? Home. Santa visits our house. I wish we could stay home and relax all day, but at least we get the morning.
4. Clear or colored lights? Both. I like the clear lights on my tree and colored lights outside.
5. Send Christmas cards? Yes! I love sending and receiving.
6. Favorite Christmas present received? Kaitlyn!! Her birthday is five days before Christmas. Becoming a mom just days before Christmas will always be my favorite present.
7. Favorite Christmas present given? Not sure I have a favorite.
8. Stockings or no stockings? Stockings are must. The question is who fills them, Mom or Santa. I always thought the they were filled by the parents, but Kaitlyn recently informed me that they are filled by Santa.
9. Christmas PJ's? The kids always have matching or coordinating PJ each year. At least one pair comes from our elf, Sally.
10. Favorite Christmas carol? Mary Did You Know.
11. Favorite holiday tradition? Every year (usually on Black Friday), we go to Crown Center and Union Station. The kids love seeing the lights and playing outside on all of the toys. We always visit the toy store, Santa and the big Christmas tree.
12. Early shopper or last minute? I really try to be an early shopper, but it seems like there’s always something I need to get last minute.
13. Favorite Christmas movie or show? Home Alone, Polar Express, and Christmas Vacation
14. Favorite holiday beverage? Eggnog, hot chocolate, and peppermint mochas (I drink the ones from Caribou all year.).
15. Cookies and milk for Santa? I didn't get to believe in Santa when I was little. I've always felt like I missed out on some of the magic of Christmas. I've made sure that my kids get to have this little bit of magic. That being said, we always leave milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. The type of cookie varies from year to year.
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