Wednesday, December 13, 2017

2017 Christmas Ornament Swap

Happy Wednesday!  I totally meant to get this written yesterday, but nap time was filled with laundry and cleaning attempting to clean burnt carrot water (I was steaming carrots for Jack) out of my favorite sauce pan.  Today's nap time hasn't gone much better.  Madi and I spent 20 minutes picking up everyone in the cul de sacs recycling.

This was my first time participating in an ornament swap.  I love Christmas and love getting new ornaments, so this was a no brainer.  It's also kind of nice to get a package in the mail just for me.  (There's lots of packages arriving for everyone else.)  I was paired with Danielle from A Sprinkle of Joy.  I have been following her for a little while on Instagram and her blog, but it was nice to get to learn a little more about her.

Danielle sent me the cutest piece of cake ornament, two ornaments for the girls to paint, and two pairs of softest socks.

The girls had so much fun painting their ornament. 

Thank You!


  1. Glad you liked everything! :) Your ornament you sent me was soooo pretty!!

  2. Aww, how sweet that she sent ornaments for your girls to make!
