Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Kaitlyn's First Day of Pre-K

Today was the day that Kaitlyn has been anxiously waiting for.  She has watched all of her friends head off to kindergarten and has been so disappointed that she is not five yet.  Today was the day that she went back to Creative World and joined the Panther class for pre-k.  She has been excited all week and was even more excited this morning to (hopefully) see all of her friends form the Lions class.  She was still excited when she came home and can't wait to head back Friday. 

Age: 4
School: Creative World
Teachers name: Ms. Jo
What is your favorite color: blue
What is your favorite food: grilled cheese
What is your favorite thing to do: paint
Who is your best friend: Dylan
What do you want to be when your grow up: an artist, a singer, and a mommy
What are you excited for:  school field trips and riding the bus

Some of her answers totally surprised me.  Purple has always been her favorite color and I expected her to say mac and cheese or hot dogs for her favorite foods.

Just for fun I asked Madi same question.  She wants to go to school so bad.
Age: 3
What is your favorite color: purple
What is your favorite food: noodles and 'matoes and shrimp AND noodles with 'matoes and sauce
What is your favorite thing to do: color with markers
Who is your best friend(s): Kaitlyn, Dylan, and Caleb
What do you want to be when your grow up: a mommy and cook dinner.  I'll be careful and put on my apron.

Still happy at the end of the day.

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