As expected, this was another busy month for all of us. Jack has changed so much in the last couple of weeks. He no longer has the newborn look and is becoming more of a little person everyday. There have been so many milestones this month and I am so so glad that I have been able to see them. I feel like I missed things with the girls because they were in daycare. I seriously don't know how I was able to leave them so young. (8 weeks for Kaitlyn and 12 weeks for Madi) There are days when I question why I run a home daycare. Just one look at his sweet face and I have my answer.
Weight: About 12.5 pounds
Length: ??
Weight: About 12.5 pounds
Length: ??
Sleeping: He started sleeping through the night at the end of August. Though, last week he was up once or twice every night. I'm hoping that was just a fluke and that things will go back to normal soon. Bedtime is anywhere between 9:30 p.m and 11:00 p.m. He usually wakes up around 7 a.m, eats and then goes back to sleep for a couple more hours.
Eating: Still exclusively breastfed and nursing on demand. In the morning and evening he nurses every 2 hours. He usually takes a pretty long nap in the middle of the day so he goes a little longer.
Clothing: 0-3 months, though I'm not sure how much longer his sleepers will fit. About half of them are a little snug.
Diapers: He could definitely move up a size, but I'm cheap and I want to try to use up all of the size 1 diapers first.
Milestones: Sleeping through the night, rolling to his left side (He could roll over if he could just get his left arm out of the way.), laughing (not quite a giggle yet), playing with his hands, grabbing onto nearby objects, holding his head up for at least 30 seconds, lots of smiling and "talking", and his first road trip to Oklahoma.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Most of his newborn hair is gone, except in the back. I can't quite tell the color of his new hair. Most days it looks brown, but occasionally it looks blonde. I guess will find out soon.
Milestones: Sleeping through the night, rolling to his left side (He could roll over if he could just get his left arm out of the way.), laughing (not quite a giggle yet), playing with his hands, grabbing onto nearby objects, holding his head up for at least 30 seconds, lots of smiling and "talking", and his first road trip to Oklahoma.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Most of his newborn hair is gone, except in the back. I can't quite tell the color of his new hair. Most days it looks brown, but occasionally it looks blonde. I guess will find out soon.
Likes: Being held, being talked to, Mommy, swinging, being naked, baths
Dislikes: Being hungry, wet clothes, tummy troubles, spitting up, pacifies (I've given up trying)
The Parents: We're doing better. We still have lots of projects that are keeping us busy (and tired) and we haven't quite established the routine that we need. Hopefully, this month that it happens.
Mama: I've lost almost all of my baby weight, but most of my pants still aren't fitting like the once did. It's definitely time to start working out again. If only I had time. Ha! I keep telling myself that I'll be able to once I get caught up on all of my new house projects. Also, I'm surprised that I'm not bald with all the hair that I've been losing. Postpartum hair loss is in full force. Seriously, how long does this last?
Mama: I've lost almost all of my baby weight, but most of my pants still aren't fitting like the once did. It's definitely time to start working out again. If only I had time. Ha! I keep telling myself that I'll be able to once I get caught up on all of my new house projects. Also, I'm surprised that I'm not bald with all the hair that I've been losing. Postpartum hair loss is in full force. Seriously, how long does this last?