Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Kids Behind the Blog - April

As a reminder of why I began blogging, I thought it would be fun to join the monthly series, The Kids Behind the Blog.  Each month, I'll ask the girls a few questions (independently) and share their answers.  This month's question pertain to mostly to spring and a little about Easter.  I enjoyed interviewing them and listening to their responses.  They both thought it was pretty cool too.

Kaitlyn: age 5
Madi: age 3.5

What is your favorite thing about Spring?
Kaitlyn: the flowers start growing
Madi: That we can go to Sheridan's (frozen custard) and play outside. 

2)If April showers bring May flowers.  What do May flowers bring?
Kaitlyn: um, spring
Madi: flowers

3)What does a flower need to grow?
Kaitlyn: sunlight and water
Madi: rain

4)Do you like that it's starting to get warmer or do you like the cold and snow better?
Kaitlyn: When it's warm.  That's what you like, isn't it?
She's right.  I'm not a big fan of the cold.
Madi: When it's warm because that means we can play outside.

5)What did you want to do over your Spring Break?
Kaitlyn goes to preschool at a daycare center, so they don't close for spring break.  We did keep her home that week, but only because David was off for spring break. 
Madi isn't in school yet, so she didn't really notice a difference.

Bonus: What is your favorite thing about Easter?
Kaitlyn: Hunting eggs.  I hope there's candy in them.  Also, that Jesus rose from the dead. We've talked about the true meaning of Easter a lot, so this answer didn't surprise me too much.
Madi:  That we get to open Easter eggs.  I hope there's toys and candy in the eggs.

Linking up with Wife, Mommy, Me, Our Pretty Little Girls, and Not in Jersey 


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