Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Jack David - 5 Months

Weight: Just under 15 pounds. 

Length: 25 inches???

Sleeping: Jack is still not sleeping through the night.  In fact, his sleep is worse than it was last month.  I never really believed that there was such a thing as a four month sleep regression, but I do now.  Jack went from waking 1-2 times a night and occasionally sleeping all night to waking 3-4 times a night almost every night.  I've tried everything that I can think of to help him sleep better, but so far it's not working.  He is getting better at self soothing, so hopefully that leads to better sleeping at night.  Jack still doesn't have a nap schedule, but I try to get him sleep at least a little while the other kids nap.  Usually that means napping in the swing, but twice this week he actually napped in his bed.

Eating: Nursing is his preferred method of eating.  I've had a bit of a problem getting him to take a bottle lately.  He flat out refused for two or three days.  After switching bottles (he likes the ones that came with my Medela pump) and several days of offering it to him, I finally was able to get him to drink from one.  Then I skipped the weekend and here we are back to square one.  Today was better than yesterday, so here's hoping that I can get it resolved this week.  I donated most (759 oz) of my frozen breastmilk, but still have about 200 ounces that milk bank wouldn't accept.  

Clothing:  We made the switch to 3-6 months.  They are still pretty roomy, but definitely fit better than 0-3 months clothing.

Diapers:  Size 2 fits the best, but he has lots of blow outs up the back.  I've tried a couple different brands and some are better than others.  He's still too small for size 3 (and we have a ton of 2's left), so I'll just have to deal with the blow outs for now.  

Eyes:    Brown.  They're lighter than mine or Kaitlyn's, but they're definitely brown.

Hair: I was completely wrong about this one.  I was certain that his new hair was coming in brown like Kaitlyn's, but it's not.  Looks like we have another blonde in the family.

Milestones:   Jack is fairly mobile.  He can roll both directions and has started spinning.  He is so close to sitting up unassisted.  He can do it for about a minute and then he falls over.  His back is getting stronger every day and it shows when he's in the sitting position.  He can blow raspberries and is grabbing everything (including things he's not supposed to).

Likes: His likes haven't changed much from last month.   He still loves his swing, baths, mommy and daddy, his sisters (especially Madi), milk, being held, being talked or sang to, sitting up, and playing on the floor.

Dislikes: Jack does not like dirty diapers, wet clothes or being hungry.  Other than that he is super happy.

Mama:  Doing good.  My shedding is finally slowing down and new hair is starting to cover my bald spots.  (At 3 months post partum, I looked like I had a receding hairline.) 

Sisters: They're still crazy about him.  They are always messing with or trying to be next to him.  It's cute.  Well, most of the time.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Halloween 2017

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays.  What's not to love about it?  There's decorations, special crafts and parties, costumes, candy, trick or treating, and it's the official start of the holiday season.  This year Halloween was a little different.  There were several things that we would have like to have done, but before we knew it the month was over.  We didn't make it to the pumpkin patch or Boo at the Zoo because of the cold weather.  We didn't carve a pumpkin.  (Something that we have yet to do with the girls even though we plan to every year.)  We didn't have themed costumes for the kids. 

However, there were several things that we DID do.  Our house was decorated inside and out.  All three kids had costumes and got to wear them several times.  We made it to Trick or Treat Village at the doctor's office and trick or treated Gram's house.  We had special food and made several crafts.  And we went trick or treating with Grandma Kathy and Papa Dave.  Our new neighborhood was an awesome place to trick or treat.  There were a couple hayrides, firepits, popcorn machine, and even a house with adult beverages.  All this on a night that was freezing with snow flurries.  I can only imagine what it is like when the weather is warmer.   We're already looking forward to next year!

Trick or Treating at Gram and Papa Chuck's house


Our first footprint craft with three kids.

Graham cracker ghosts for snack in daycare.

Halloween night before trick or treating.

Happy Halloween.  Now bring on Thanksgiving and Christmas!