Wednesday, March 29, 2017


When I read about the #girlmomboxswap17 on Instagram, I knew immediately that my girls would love it!  Who doesn't enjoy getting surprises in the mail.  I also thought that this would be a great way for me to become more active with fellow bloggers.

I was matched with Nichole Holdoft.  She doesn't have a blog (not yet, anyway), but can be found on Instagram @nholdoft.  She lives in Washington and is the mother of four (three girls and one boy).  

I had so much fun picking out gifts for her girls.  The two older girls are slightly older than Kaitlyn and Madi, but have many of same interests including being girly.  Nichole mentioned that they like to write letters to each other and pretend to send them.  How cute is that?  I can totally see my girls doing something like that in a couple years.  Of course, I headed straight to Target's dollar spot to find the perfect stationary and stickers for them.  I really wanted to let the girls pick out what we sent them, but it just never worked out. I enjoyed a solo trip to Target instead.  Nichole also has a younger daughter (10 months) whom we included a toy for too. To see what we sent her, follow her on Instagram.

Our package from Nichole arrived during spring break and the girls couldn't wait for daycare to be over so that they could tear into the box.  It was full things for spring -- flowers and veggies to plant, gardening gloves and tools, a stepping stone for them to paint, and of course, some stickers.  She was also super sweet and included some adorable bandana bibs for baby boy.

Thanks, Nichole for the super fun package

The girls had so much fun being a part of the box swap and are already asking when we can do it again.

A big thanks to Beth at Our Pretty Little Girls, Dara at Not in Jersery, Lacey at Perks of Being a JAP, Danielle at A Sprinkle of Joy, Johannah at The Sirois Family, and Leslie at This Is For Keeps for hosting and organizing this box swap.  It was so much fun!

Monday, March 20, 2017

6 Months Pregnant with Baby K #3

They love him so much already!

It's hard to believe that today is the first day of spring and David's spring break.  Even though I am no longer in school, my year is still measured by semesters (I blame it on being a teacher's wife and daughter).  It always feels like the rest of the school year flies by once spring break is over.  I have a feeling that the remainder of this pregnancy will go the same way.  I really need to get my act in gear and start working on Baby K's room.  I have lots of ideas in my head, I just need to make them happen.

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Size of Baby: A yellow turnip (I've never seen one, so I'm not sure I believe if I believe this or not.)

Gender: Boy! 

Weight Gain: I haven't stepped on a scale since my doctor's appointment two weeks ago.  I was up 17 pounds at 25 weeks.  I'm sure it's more now.

Food Cravings: Not anything specific, but I'm hungry all the time.  Basically, if I see something I want it.  Lately, it's been BBQ chips.

Food Aversions: None.  Thank goodness.

Movements:   All. the. time.  I'm not sure if he's more active than the girls were, but he's constantly reminding me that he's in there.  I love it!  His kicks are strong enough to be seen on the outside, but not so strong that they're uncomfortable.  Not yet anyway.

Sleep:  I am awake every two hours throughout the night.  Some nights it is more often than that.

Clothing: Maternity clothes all the time.  I really don't want to buy anything new since this is my last baby.  However, I have already grown out of several of my shirts and a few pairs of jeans.  

Other Pregnancy Symptoms:  Where do I even start.  I'm trying hard not to complain about how I'm feeling lately and instead remember that this is the last time that I will be feeling this way.  So here goes.  Everything makes me tired these days.  I hit a wall almost every morning around 9:00.  I'm out of breath if I have to make more than two trips up and down the stairs (which is impossible not to do in our house).   I have been having some fairly intense Braxton Hicks contracts for several weeks.   I know that this is totally normal, but the're quite uncomfortable.  I didn't have them too bad with Kaitlyn, but they were intense with Madi.  Also, the acid reflux has been bad this pregnancy and it continues to get worse.  Zantac has become my friend.  I also recently discovered that I have three varicose veins on my legs.  These are not my first (I've had a couple minor ones for years), but they are definitely my worst.  I'm not thrilled about them, but hopefully they'll go down a little after baby boy is born.

What I Miss: Sleeping through the night and walking up the stairs without getting winded.

Best Moment: Kaitlyn finally felt him kick!  She has been waiting so long for this and was so excited.  Also, the nursery is no longer purple.  My mom painted it gray with a blue accent wall behind the crib.  I can't wait to start getting it set up.

Follow me on instagram @hklinginsmith for weekly bump dates.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Things That Make Me Happy

When I think about St. Patrick's Day, I think of rainbows, pots of gold, and green.  While these are all symbols of St. Patrick's Day, they are also things that make me happy.  Even though I know that rainbows are technically just a reflect of light, they always make me think of God's promises and new life.  

As I think about the direction our country is heading, I am reminded of how easy it is to focus on what's going wrong in our lives (and world) instead of what is going right.  Adding a family to the equation can make it even harder.   We often get so busy with everyday tasks that we forget about the things that truly matter.  It's important to remember the things that make you happy.  It's easy enjoy the big stuff, like holidays and vacations, but it's sometimes hard to enjoy the little things.  We are always in such a hurry, that we often forget that it's the small stuff that brings us the most joy.  

Here are a few things that make me happy:
Sunny days
Flowers blooming
Watching my girls chase butterflies
The quite when everyone is sleeping
Watching the sunset
My girls laughing
My girls playing together
A clean kitchen
A clean house
My bed being made
My morning coffee
Date night David
Easy bedtime
Cooperative kiddos
Uninterrupted showers
Waking without an alarm
Visiting family
Catching up with a friend
Freshly bake cookies (or any dessert)
Eating cookie dough
Eating ice cream
Playing at the park with the girls
Hanging with David and the girls
Pajamas parties with my family
Cooking with the girls
Fresh cut flowers
Finding things on sale
Saving money
New clothes
Clothes fresh out of the dryer
Family walks
Walks by myself
Getting off work early
Watching the girls at dance
Making a dinner that someone enjoys
Extra hugs and kisses from my girls when I'm leaving the house
Snuggles on the couch
Hearing "Mommy, I love you."
When clothes fit better
Random compliments
Receiving packages in the mail
Crafts from my kids

I could go on and on.  There are so many things that make me happy and I'm sure your list is equally long.  I think that the key to being happy is to make sure to treat we treat ourselves with at least one or two of the things on our list every day.  I guarantee that it will make for a better week and a happier life.  We need to remember the true meaning of a rainbow.  Promises, new life and happiness.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Baby #3 Wishlist

So much has changed since I was pregnant with Kaitlyn almost six years ago.  Have you seen all of the amazing new baby gear available?  I seriously can't get over it.  It's all so incredible and practical.  Several of these items were created by mom's just like me who were searching to a solution to their problems.

Covered Goods Nursing Cover
This is an absolute must have for any nursing mom!  I received a free nursing cover when I was pregnant with Kaitlyn, but never could get it to work right.  I hated to use it in public because it left my back and sides open.  I used it more for my pumping sessions in the car than for actually nursing my girls.  The covered goods nursing cover provides 360 degree coverage which will be perfect since I'll be nursing while running the daycare.  This cover can also be used as a car seat cover, shopping cart cover, or a scarf.  

Ergobaby Carrier
I have an Infantino front/back carrier, but it never fit me right.  It wasn't super comfortable and was always a challenge to get baby in it.  With three kids, I will definitely need something that is easy, safe to use, and will last for a long time.  

Binxy Shopping Cart Hammock
Have you ever gone shopping with an infant seat and a toddler (or preschooler)?  Between the two, there isn't much room for groceries.  Finally, there is a solution!  The Binxy Shopping Cart Hammock clips onto most shopping carts, leaving room for groceries under it.  It also has straps that allow you to use it with baby still in its car seat.  This would sure come in handy when grocery shopping with all three kids in tow.  I definitely need one of these!

Bandana Drool Bibs
Aren't these cute!?!  If this little is anything like Madi, he will be living in a bib.  And if he's going to wear a bib, it might as well be stylish.

Backpack Diaper Bag
When the girls were babies, I ordered these monogrammed tote bags from Lands End.  They were the perfect size and have come in handy as an over night bag.  However, they were sometimes a little challenging to carry with the car seat and wrangling a toddler.  I think it would much easier to wear a backpack than carry a bag.

Dock A Tot
These are supposed to one best and safest ways to help babies (and toddlers sleep).  They provide a safe and cozy space for newborns and older babies without the hassle.  It can easily be moved throughout house and can be used for everything from tummy time to napping or just relaxing.  I loved using a bouncy seat with the girls, but this sounds even better.  It would be nice to have one, but I am not sure if I can justify something so expensive since this is our last baby.  Perhaps, I would be able to use it for daycare too.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

You Know You're a Parent When...

I absolutely love being a mom!  It is the hardest and most rewarding job I have ever had.  There have been many times when I know I could have been a better mom, but at the end the day (even when bedtime was terrible) I have two little girls who hold on tight for extra kisses and hugs.  They remind me that tomorrow is always new day and a second chance.

Here are a few things that remind me that I am a parent.

1) I actually enjoy driving a mini van.  We've had ours for almost two years and I still love it.  It's one of the best decisions we could have made!

2) Sometimes I catch myself singing the theme songs for their favorite cartoons hours after the show was over.

3) Naptime is was one of my favorite times of the day.  I used to get so much done during those two hours.  

4) I'm more excited for the kids to stay at grandma and papa's house then they are.

5) When I  open my purse and I find 5 packs of fruit snacks, a Barbie, crayons, my little pony, Ariel sunglasses, and 2 pairs of princess panties.

6) I get excited when shopping carts have two seats.

7) My youtube play list is full of songs about abc's and other kids songs.

8) When I find toys hidden in my bed, in the couch, or in my shoes.

9) When I got on a date with David, we have a hard time not talking about the girls.